Monday, August 15, 2011

Our Shelter

I think the Psalms are so wonderful! They are full of promise, full of hope and they share with us encouragement for most any time of need. The one I am going to share below is one of my favorites...

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." ~Psalm 91:1, 2

Sunday, August 14, 2011

He is God

I was jut thinking a little this morning.. thoughts sparked by the Sabbath school I attended at church yesterday. 

What is God like? This is how I see it...

He is full of love, a relationship with Him will bring us joy, He alone can give peace, and because of His sacrifice of mercy, grace is extended to us that we may be forgiven and have hope of an eternal life with Him.

Isn’t that a precious gift? I feel unworthy to receive it sometimes.

Yet He has given that gift freely to all.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time Flies...Fun Or Not

Well I suppose I have not been very faithful in updating my blog as I said I would be. I think University life is a lot busier than I had anticipated - especially during the summer. So...since I don't have lots of time, here's a short update.

About a month and a half ago I flew to the US of A. Washington State. It was a long, stressful trip, but I made it, and I started school, and got as into the swing of things as I could. That being said, I must inform you once again that summer school is very busy...especially if you arrive a few days late like I did, and especially if you are taking 12 credits. Yes. Speech. PsychologyMinistry of Jesus.

Ministry of Jesus Classroom

These keep me busy. Fortunately, Psychology is now over, and I only have two weeks left until the other two are over as well. I am super excited for my upcoming break. It is much needed, and much anticipated. I absolutely cannot wait to visit family and friends in California for a few weeks before the Fall Quarter begins.

In other news, I have... well, not being doing much besides school/homework. This summer session has been pretty boring as nothing exciting has happened whatsoever. Another reason to look forward to break. I believe the actual Fall Quarter will be much better. I will be doing 12 more credits which is three classes, including a class I have done before (hoping it'll be easier this time round), I will have a roommate, there will be more activities going on, etc. 

Part of Campus

I must say, this year has been a pretty hard one thus far, but I'm thankful that even though I don't always feel it...God hasn't left me or my family once. What a blessing. :) I never realized how much of a blessing my family was until I came here, either. Don't take spending time with family for's not always possible, and when it isn't, it's greatly missed. I love my family! 

Anyhow, that was a little longer than I anticipated. If you would excuse me now, I'm off to go read some books...