Saturday, April 5, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me...

Today is my 23rd birthday. 

It’s been a quiet day, which has gotten me thinking about my life over the last few years. I look back and see just how far I have come in the last year of my life, never mind the other 22 years before that.

I’ll admit it, there have been times I have felt alone, confused, discouraged, and times I have wanted to give up. There have even been some times that I truly questioned God and His plan for me. I sometimes wondered why He has put a plan in place that doesn’t suit my particular tastes or desires.

I may see Him clearly leading, but sometimes it’s just easier (in theory), to put up a fight and see if I can get my own way.

But you know what? I realized something…that’s not easy, and it doesn’t work. It just exhausts one—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, even physically. There’s no saying I’ll never do it again, but I surely can see it’s not the easy way out.
Today is a new day of life, however, in more than one way I suppose.
I’m thankful to God that He has brought me through some very difficult things to the place where I am today. I still may not find ultimate joy all the time, and I still have a lot of growing to do, but I want to trust that as I go into my 23rd year of life that God will continue to go with me and make His plan clearer. I hope that I will gain strength and courage and be a blessing to others.

I guess I could be reminded of these things any other time of the year, but a birthday is a good opportunity, and especially to remember God’s love for me, as well as the others around me!